
Toy Story

“Toy Story” was another of my son’s assignments from school.

We had so much fun bringing our action figures to life through photography.

My son really got into this project. It was a lot of fun working on the different scenes for our action figures and creating real-life scenarios.

The local park provided lots of really good terrain to work with.

Setting up my action figure to abseil down the rubbish bin was fun and challenging. Although the rope was a fraction too wide, I was able (with some maneuvering) to get my figure to grip the rope and hang on in a descending position.

Rope climbing was truly one of my favourite photos. It took a lot of time to set up my action scene and get my action figure to grip the rope. I also had to work the angle so that the background was appropriate to the scene.

Several of these scenes took time to set up. A good photograph is not just point and shoot, it takes time to set up and find the right angles, background and lighting.